Types of Heating Systems

October 20, 2023
When it comes to keeping your home warm during the colder months, there are different types of heating systems that you can choose from. Each heating system has its unique features, advantages, and disadvantages. Goff Heating & Air Conditioning provides installation, repairs, and maintenance for various types of primary home heating systems. Below, we will discuss the types of heating systems we offer, how they work, and their benefits.

Furnaces: Understanding Their Function, Benefits, and EfficiencyFurnaces

One of the most common heating systems found in American homes is a furnace. A forced air furnacegenerates heat by electric resistance heating or burning a fuel source such as fuel oil, natural gas, or propane. Air travels to the furnace via the home’s cold air return ducts, heat is produced and added to the air by the heat exchanger, then heated air is distributed throughout the house via ducts and vents.

Furnaces can either be single-stage or two-stage heating systems. A single-stage furnace heating system operates at a single output level to produce warm air while a two-stage furnace can adjust the natural gas fuel flow to a lower level and maintain a constant temperature while using less energy. Furnaces come in different sizes, and the right size depends on the size of the home.

A furnace is easy to maintain, and it can last up to 20 years with proper care. This type of HVAC system offers great energy efficiency, and Goff Heating & Air Conditioning carries high-efficiency furnaces with excellent AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency) ratings that save on energy bills. A natural gas furnace is a popular choice for forced air systems, as they are typically more affordable to operate than electric heaters.

Boiler Systems

A central boiler is another heating system that uses fuel to heat water and provide radiant heat in the home. Hot water or steam circulates through pipes and radiators in the residence to provide warm air rather than heating air and delivering it through ducts as forced air systems do. The heat radiates from the radiators, which generates warm air in the room.

Boilerscan use fuel oil, natural gas, or electricity as their energy source. These hydronic systems are either hot water or steam boilers. Hot water boilers heat water and circulate it through radiators, while steam boilers heat water to produce steam, which then flows through pipes and radiators. Boilers can also be used in floor radiant heating systems.

Boilers require little maintenance, and they can last up to 15-20 years with proper care. They are also energy-efficient since they don’t require ductwork. Moreover, a central boiler provides a more consistent heat, and they can be zoned to provide different levels of heat to different areas of the home. However, boilers can be expensive to install, especially if you need to retrofit your home for the installation of the pipes and radiators required by these hydronic systems.

Heat Pumps

Heat pumpsare a type of heating system that moves heatrather than generating it. These forced air systems extract heat from outside and bring it inside the house to provide heated air. A heat pump can also function as an air conditioner to cool your home during the summer by extracting heat from the indoors and releasing it outdoors. Heat pump systems are electric heaters that do not burn natural gas or other fuels to produce hot air.

Heat pumps use little energy, and they are highly efficient since they move heat instead of generating it. A heat pump also provides heating and cooling in one HVAC system, which enhances convenience for homeowners. 

Ductless Mini Splits

Ductless mini splitsare a type of heating system that provides heating and cooling without ductwork. They consist of an outdoor heat pump unit and one or more indoor units that are connected by refrigerant lines. These heating and air conditioning systems are highly customizable and can be zoned to provide different levels of heating and cooling to different areas of the home.

Ductless mini splits are easy to install and are a great option for heating additional areas of the home that are not connected to a central heating system. They offer great energy efficiency since they don’t rely on ductwork and allow for individualized temperature control across the entire home. Moreover, they can help improve indoor air quality by eliminating the spread of allergens from ductwork. 

Find the Perfect Heating System for Your Home

At Goff Heating & Air Conditioning, we provide different types of heating systems to meet the unique needs of your home. Whether you prefer a furnace, boiler, heat pump, or ductless mini split, our professionals can help you choose the right system. Our systems are energy-efficient, reliable, and require little maintenance. Contact us todayto schedule your appointment and keep your home warm and comfortable during the colder months.